3. Sodium Bicarbonate for Cancer


Sodium bicarbonate has an extensive list of functions in biology. It is very alkaline and inorganic. Its uses in medicine are vast. One of the most highly discussed topics of sodium bicarbonate is its role in destroying cancer cells. It has been known to completely destroy cancer cells in just a few days. Bicarb does this by exposing cancer cells with high levels of oxygen. Some doctors will apply sodium bicarbonate using a wash down technique.



In some of the videos you will view on this page you will see the world’s leading authority; Doctor Simoncini destroy cancer cells using a sodium bicarbonate washed down technique. A microscopic camera is used to illustrate sodium bicarbonate’s fast affect on cancer cells.

Natural Treatment for Cancer Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent and purposes, an instant killer of tumors. [18]

Cancer Tumors

In traditional therapy treatment of cancer tumors are located and explored by high resolution ultrasound cameras. Tumors may be frozen which may provide some time for cancer patients to explore natural or alternative treatment cures. This may help prevent tumors causing death and ultimately provide a gateway to a speedy - 100% recovery.

graphicDoctor Simoncini’s Treatment

One of the claims that Doctor Simoncini makes it is cancer is a fungus. He believes that changing the PH affect is not what reduces or destroys cancer cells. Doctor Simoncini fully supports the theory of Candida. Candida species can cause disease to animals and humans. In the medical community the most prominent member is Candida albicans. The doctor’s opinion supports the theory of this agent being behind cancer. He goes on to say that this agent is also part of many other diseases and ailments we suffer from. There is a direct parallel drawn from Candida to diabetics…almost all diabetics tested had a fungal infection as well.


Ask the Doctor
A frequently asked but unanswered question is why these individuals do not get cancer. There has been a recent report of a colony of cancer- resistant mice developed from a single male mouse that unexpectedly survived challenges of lethal cancer cell injections. [96]

Treatment Results

When bicarb of soda is the preferred method of cancer treatment it may also reduce the size of liver. In the videos below you will see how doctor Simoncini administers sodium bicarbonate wash down treatment by endoperitoneal catheter. 5% sodium bicarbonate solution may also be administered through intravenous depending on the condition of the patient. Noticeable improvement are observed after a few days. While watching the videos showing sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment over five days, the effect of this treatment becomes obvious. After two days regression is observed and after five days total remission is seen.

So how does this work? The number one enemy for cancer cells is high levels of oxygen. Cancerous cells cannot survive when huge amounts of oxygen are present. One could say that bicarbonate of soda is a natural killer of cancer cells.

In the U.S., cancer is a $5 billion a year industry. It is very profitable for the big pharmaceutical firms who are not necessarily looking for the cure. Bigger business and higher profits are generated from plenty of treatments.