6.4 Eco Cleaning

Modern day cleaning can be a bit of a chore. But there is an alternative! You don't have to spend piles of cash on an armful of super- tough chemicals.

Sodium Bicarbonate Home Cleaning

In most households today cleaning products are chemical based. Chemical based cleaning products are not good for the environment, your pets, and children. You can use simple nontoxic products found in the cupboards of most typical homes. These products are environmentally friendly, more cost efficient, and easy to make.

Cleaning Your Home Using Common Household Products

The core ingredients include lemon juice, rags, salt, bicarbonate of soda, newspaper, vinegar, and water. With these few ingredients you can eliminate the need for disposable cloths, toxic cleaners.

Eco Cutting- The bottom line is that if you want totally clean, sweat-free clothes, most eco detergents don’t cut it. It’s not surprising, says Phil Patterson, a textile consultant and founder of Colour Connections . [39]

Homemade Air Deodorizer

Do you really need the aerosol glade air freshener in your cupboard? Create a unique recipe of your own using all natural ingredients such as sodium bicarbonate, lemons, essential oils, or drops from your favorite fruit. Pour your mixture into a spray mist bottle and now you have your own home a cleaner for less than 50¢ per bottle.

Cleaning Preparation- Whether you're shopping for prepared natural cleaning solutions or making your own, keep in mind that the word “aromatherapy” is now being applied to everything scented — from dishwashing liquid to laundry detergent. The true practice of aromatherapy relies on using pure essential oils extracted from plants.[35]

Cleaning Countertops

Lemons have natural anti bleaching qualities and leave the room smelling clean and fresh. Create a mixture of your own using 25% lemon and 75% water. You may also want to add a small amount of vinegar and for what surfaces use all the oil or beeswax.

Cleaning a home in an eco-friendly fashion is not just easy to do but also quite cost-effective. This is the first in a series of articles on eco-friendly cleaners. [42]

Floor Cleaning and Stripping
Cleaning Effect
For example, adhesives can adversely affect indoor air quality – often more than the floor materials they are being used on. When having floors installed, make sure that any adhesives used have low VOC* levels.[49] Note: keep pets and kids away while the baking soda is on the floor. [50]
graphicIt’s cost-effective, not difficult and, like the task of spring cleaning itself, it’s satisfying and rewarding. You can craft your own, homespun versions of everything from carpet cleaner to furniture dusting polish — and have the satisfying assurance that you really are keeping your home green and clean.[41]

ECO Friendly Oven Cleaning

Convection ovens can be a daunting task to clean; I don’t know anybody who enjoys doing this. Cleaning your microwave oven is done easily with a cup of water, 1tbsp. of sodium bicarbonate and a small squeeze of lemon. Place couple of water in microwave oven when heat for five to ten minutes, that’s easy!

Here I will give you a couple of good suggestions to help you prepare a completely natural and effective oven cleaner. You’re number one enemy in an oven is the black buildup known as carbon. Without chemical based cleaners such as easy off we must develop our own affective recipe for cleaning your oven.

  • 16in. diameter funnel
  • A spray bottle
  • A quarter of a cup of bicarbonate soda
Oven Cleaning Helpful Hints

I have proven this out time and time again. In Fact, laundry soap does not actually clean anything.[10] Some state environmental protection agencies classify silver polish, (and oven cleaners) as household hazardous waste (HHW) and ask consumers to dispose of them at special hazardous waste collection sites. [11] Clean the oven sooner rather than later. Line your oven bottom with foil to catch spills. [12] Uses for a Box of Baking Soda- I can’t guarantee that all these work, but it will definitely put out grease fires, and everyone should keep a box of it near the stove. I also know for a fact that you can keep it in the fridge to get rid of odors.[25]